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Bharath Cycle Design Challenge


BCDC envisions to transform the bicycle design and making stack leading to sustainable mobility. BCDC is the response of india for a sustaining and green economy - where we intend to bring in the innovation in design and modern practices in manufacturability.

BCDC envisions to be a growing community of Bicycle Designers and Product creators working with tech, across diverse industries, schools and non-profits. We aim to get the best bicycle designers on our platform and host a virtual design summit.

Inspire. Create. Build. Make in India.

The Program is designed in 2 stages

  1. Stage 1. In the first stage we conduct the Hackathon
  2. Stage 2. Host a Designer and Maker Summit . Over 200 designers, will participate in the event.


  • Over 100 design colleges, relevant national and regional design schools will participate in the event.
  • Design school representatives and manufacturing services like the Industrial Hub will participate in the event.
  • Industrial Bodies will present illustrative practices as well as new developments in the field of Bike and EBike Manufacturing.
  • Material technology to be the focus of the hackathon.
  • IM4 the latest manufacturing tech shall be the stack on which the bicycle will be designed and manufactured.

Design for India

We hope this design challenge may lead to new, disruptive ideas, increasing the chance for India to be the leader in bicycle industry. Providing the right bicycle to the people who need it, at the right time, in a convenient, affordable, easy and accessible way, and – if possible – at the lowest cost. We encourage the next generation of designers to use their creative power to shape mobility and transport in india. Create well-designed, practical bicycles that improve access, comfort, safety and convenience .


  • A Publication of Bicycle Designs that won the hackathon.
  • A Website highlighting the design of the cycles that are selected.
  • Prototype development and validation for manufacturability by Industry Bodies.
  • Publication of Directory of Bicycle Designers in India.
  • Networking with 200+ designers to get the best cycle globally.
  • Blogs explaining the design process.
  • Webinar with around 500 participants - to engage the design community to highlight the design of cycle.
  • Design History of Indian cycles - how they have been designed in the last 100 years in association with cycle companies.