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Lead Ride For Cities


NNCF initiates the conversation with the city leadership and the key stakeholders to make the city as a Lead Ride City.

A Lead Ride City performs the following key roles.

  1. Agrees to organize the Lead Ride on World Cycle Day
  2. Connects and Convenes the Active Mobility Ecosystem players
  3. Commits funding for the Lead Ride
  4. The outreach and branding campaign is supported
  5. Agrees to hold the Lead Ride Round Table along with NNCF leadership 3 times in a year.
  6. Appoints Lead Ride champions in the city to lead the effort of Active Mobility Transformation.


Ecosystem Map of Active Mobility - We describe all the entities, flows and relationships that characterize the surrounding ecosystem.

  1. Identify all players and entities involved in the service supply and delivery.

For cyclists by cyclists: ecosystem enhancement through community engagement! !

  1. Place the cyclist at the center of the ecosystem mapping exercize, then position the other players in the space around.

    Use different types of line (appearance, colour, stroke) to represent different kinds of relationship such as information exchange, money exchange, etc Try to put cyclist closer to the center the ones that have more importance for the cyclist. When they are all on the map, start tracing connections between the cyclist and other players and then among the latter.!

Round Table

Lead Ride Program Finalization

The file is named:

Lead Ride Network Activation

Step 3 : Lead Ride Program Finalization

Step 4 :

Lead Ride Announcement

Step 4 :

tags: leadride cyclingtogether

Step 4 : Lead Ride World Bicycle Together

Appendix and FAQ


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